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generalites:glossaire:qu_est_ce_que_etex [2018/05/22 11:35] – créée joseph.wright1_generalites:glossaire:qu_est_ce_que_etex [2022/07/06 19:29] (Version actuelle) – ε-<latex>\TeX</latex> → ε-TeX dbitouze
Ligne 1: Ligne 1:
-# What is &epsilon;-TeX?+====== Qu'est-ce qu'ε-TeX? ======
-While Knuth has declared that TeX will never  +Les extensions ε-TeX de <latex>\TeX</latex> sont une gamme de nouvelles fonctionnalités ajoutées par le [[1_generalites:histoire:developpement_du_moteur_tex|NTS]] au programme <latex>\TeX</latex> original de Donald Knuth.
-[change in any substantial way](./FAQ-TeXfuture.html), there remain +
-things that one might wish had been done differently, or indeed +
-implemented at all.+
-The NTS project set out to produce an advanced replacement for +Dans une distribution <latex>\TeX</latex> moderneles extensions sont activées pour presque tous les formats sauf <latex>\TeX</latex> de Knuth lui-mêmeEn tant que tella plupart des utilisateurs n'utiliseront jamais un système ne comportant pas ε-TeX : en effet<latex>\LaTeXe</latex> en besoin depuis 2017
-TeX, to provide a basis for developing such modifications: this +
-''New Typesetting System'' would share Knuth's aims, but would +
-implement the work in a modern way taking account of the lessons +
-learned with TeX.  While a first demonstrator NTS did +
-appear, it wasn't practically useful, and the project seems no longer +
-active. +
- +
-In parallel with its work on NTS itself, the project developed +
-a set of extensions that can be used with a (''true''TeX system. +
-Such a modified system is known as an &epsilon;-TeX system, and the concept +
-has proved widely successful Indeedcurrent TeX distributions +
-are delivered with most formats built with an &epsilon;-TeX-based system (for +
-those who don't want them, &epsilon;-TeX's extensions can be disabledleaving +
-a functionally standard TeX system). +
- +
-The extensions range from the seemingly simple (increasing the number +
-of available registers from 256 to 32768) through to extremely subtle +
-programming support. +
- +
-[CONTeXT](./FAQ-context.html) has required &epsilon;-TeX for its operation +
-for some time, though development is now focused on the use of +
-[LuaTeX](./FAQ-luatex.html). +
- +
-Some LaTeX packages already specify the use of &epsilon;-TeX.  Some such +
-packages may not work at all on non-&epsilon;-TeX system; others will +
-work, but not as well as on an &epsilon;-TeX system.  The  +
-[LaTeX team](./FAQ-LaTeX3.html) has announced that future LaTeX +
-packages (specifically those from the team, as opposed to those +
-individually contributed) may require &epsilon;-TeX for optimum performance.+
 +  * [[faquk>FAQ-etex|What is ε-TeX?]]
 +  * [[https://www.tug.org/TUGboat/tb29-1/tb91reutenauer.pdf]]
 +metatag-og:title=(Qu'est-ce qu'ε-TeX ?)
 +metatag-og:site_name=(FAQ LaTeX francophone)
1_generalites/glossaire/qu_est_ce_que_etex.1526988901.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2018/05/22 11:35 de joseph.wright
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