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Comment dessiner des diagrammes de Feynman?
En physique théorique, un diagramme de Feynman est une représentation graphique d'équations mathématiques particulières décrivant les interactions des particules subatomiques dans le cadre de la théorie quantique des champs. Cet outil a été inventé par le physicien américain Richard Feynman à la fin des années 1940.
L'extension feynman, de Michael Levine, qui permettait de dessiner ces diagrammes sous LaTeX 2.09 est toujours disponible.
Thorsten Ohl's feynmf is designed for use with current
LaTeX, and works in combination with MetaFont (or, in its feynmf
incarnation, with MetaPost). The feynmf
or feynmp
package reads
a description of the diagram written in TeX, and writes out code.
MetaFont (or MetaPost) can then produce a font (or PostScript file)
for use in a subsequent LaTeX run. For new users, who have access
to MetaPost, the PostScript version is probably the better route,
for document portability and other reasons.
Jos Vermaseren's axodraw is mentioned as an alternative in
the documentation of feynmf, but it is written entirely in
terms of dvips
commands, and is thus rather imperfectly
An alternative approach is implemented by Norman Gray's feyn package. Rather than creating complete diagrams as postscript images, feyn provides a font (in a variety of sizes) containing fragments, which you can compose to produce complete diagrams. It offers fairly simple diagrams which look good in equations, rather than complicated ones more suitable for display in figures.
Le package feynmf utilise au choix METAFONT ou METAPOST
pour dessiner des diagrammes de Feynman.