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fichiers:fontes:peut_on_parler_de_resolution [2018/06/03 12:58] joseph.wright5_fichiers:fontes:peut_on_parler_de_resolution [2022/10/04 11:34] (Version actuelle) – Syntaxe des listes corrigée dbitouze
Ligne 1: Ligne 1:
---- +====== Que sont les “résolutions”======
-title: What are "resolutions"? +
-category: concepts +
-permalink: /FAQ-resolns +
-"Resolution" is a word that is used with little concern for its +Le mot « résolution » est un mot qui s'emploie sans se soucier de ses multiples sens dans le domaine du matériel informatiqueLe mot suggère une mesure de ce qu'un observateur (peut-être l'œil humainpeut distinguer pourtant, nous voyons régulièrement des publicités pour des imprimantes dont la résolution est de [[wpfr>Point_par_pouce|1200 dpi]] --- bien plus fine que ce que l'œil humain peut distinguer sans aideLes publicités parlent ici de la précision avec laquelle l'imprimante peut placer des points sur l'image impriméece qui affecte la finesse de la représentation des polices et la précision du placement des glyphes et autres marques sur la page.
-multiple meanings, in computer equipment marketing The word suggests +
-a measure of what an observer (perhaps the human eyecan resolveyet +
-we regularly see advertisements for printers whose resolution is +
-1200dpi — far finer than the unaided human eye can distinguish The +
-advertisements are talking about the precision with which the printer +
-can place spots on the printed image, which affects the fineness of +
-the representation of fonts, and the accuracy of the placement of +
-glyphs and other marks on the page.+
-In factthere are two sorts of "resolution" on the printed page +En faitil existe deux types de « résolution » sur la page imprimée que nous devons prendre en compte pour les besoins de <latex>\TeX</latex> ou <latex>\LaTeX</latex> 
-that we need to consider for (La)TeX's purposes+  * la précision de positionnement ; 
-  +  * la qualité des polices. 
--  the positioning accuracyand +Dans le cas où la sortie <latex>\TeX</latex> ou <latex>\LaTeX</latex> est envoyée directement à une imprimantedans le langage « natif » de l'imprimante, il est clair que le processeur DVI doit connaître tous ces détails et doit tenir compte des deux types de résolution
--  the quality of the fonts.+
-In the case where (La)TeX output is being sent direct to a printer, +Dans le cas où la sortie est envoyée vers un format intermédiaire, qui a un potentiel d'impression (ou d'affichage), nous ne savons pas comment le traducteur final, qui se connecte directement à l'imprimante (ou à l'écran)a connaissance des propriétés de l'appareil : le processeur DVI n'a pas besoin de le savoir et ne doit pas prétendre le deviner
-in the printer's "native" languageit's plain that the DVI +
-processor must know all such details, and must take detailed account +
-of both types of resolution.+
-In the case where output is being sent to an intermediate distribution +FIXME //Traduire//
-format, that has potential for printing (or displaying) we know not +
-where, the final translator, that connects to directly to the printer +
-or display, has the knowledge of the device's properties: the +
-DVI processor need not know, and should not presume to guess.+
-Both PostScript and PDF output are in this category.  While PostScript is +Both PostScript and PDF output are in this category.  While PostScript is used less frequently for document distribution nowadays, it is regularly used as the source for distillation into PDF ; and PDF is the workhorse of an enormous explosion of document distribution.
-used less frequently for document distribution nowadays, it is +
-regularly used as the source for distillation into PDF; and +
-PDF is the workhorse of an enormous explosion of document +
-Therefore, we need DVI processors that will produce +Therefore, we need DVI processors that will produce "resolution independent" PostScript or PDF output ; of course, the independence needs to extend to both forms of independence outlined above.
-"resolution independent" PostScript or PDF output; of course, the +
-independence needs to extend to both forms of independence outlined +
-Resolution-independence of fonts was for a  long time forced upon the +Resolution-independence of fonts was for a  long time forced upon the world by the feebleness of Adobe'''Acrobat Reader'' at dealing with bitmap files : a sequence of answers starting with one aiming at the [[5_fichiers:pdf:generer_un_fichier_pdf_de_qualite|quality of PDF from PostScript]addresses the problems that arise.
-world by the feebleness of Adobe'`Acrobat+
-`Readerat dealing with bitmap files: a sequence of answers +
-starting with one aiming at the  +
-[quality of PDF from PostScript](FAQ-dvips-pdf) addresses +
-the problems that arise.+
-Resolution-independence of positioning is more troublesome: +Resolution-independence of positioning is more troublesome : ''dvips'' is somewhat notorious for insisting on positioning to the accuracy of the declared resolution of the printer. One commonly-used approach is to declare a resolution of 8000 ("better than any device"), and this is reasonably successful though it does have [[2_programmation:erreurs:m:mismatched_mode_ljfour_and_resolution_8000|its problems]].
-`dvipsis somewhat notorious for insisting on positioning to +
-the accuracy of the declared resolution of the printer. +
-One commonly-used approach is to declare a resolution of 8000 ("better +
-than any device"), and this is reasonably successful though it does +
-have its [problems](FAQ-8000).+
 +//Source :// [[faquk>FAQ-resolns|What are “resolutions”?]]
 +{{htmlmetatags>metatag-keywords=(LaTeX,résolution d'une police,résolution des caractères,polices bitmap)
 +metatag-og:title=(Que sont les “résolutions”)
 +metatag-og:site_name=(FAQ LaTeX francophone)
5_fichiers/fontes/peut_on_parler_de_resolution.1528030714.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2018/06/03 12:58 de joseph.wright
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