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fichiers:fontes:que_sont_les_fontes_ec [2018/06/03 13:19] d.p.carlisle5_fichiers:fontes:que_sont_les_fontes_ec [2021/08/22 15:54] (Version actuelle) – Correction de liens internes. Mots-clefs OpenGraph. jejust
Ligne 1: Ligne 1:
---- +====== What are the EC fonts? ======
-title: What are the EC fonts? +
-category: concepts +
-permalink: /FAQ-ECfonts +
-redirect_from: /FAQ-ecfonts +
-A font provides a number of _glyphs_. In order that the glyphs + 
-may be printed, they are [_encoded_](FAQ-whatenc), and the +A font provides a number of //glyphs//. In order that the glyphs 
-encoding is used as an index into tables within the font.  For various+may be printed, they are //[[2_programmation:encodage:notion_d_encodage|encoded]]//, 
 +and the encoding is used as an index into tables within the font.  For various
 reasons, Knuth chose deeply eccentric encodings for his Computer reasons, Knuth chose deeply eccentric encodings for his Computer
 Modern family of fonts; in particular, he chose different encodings Modern family of fonts; in particular, he chose different encodings
Ligne 26: Ligne 22:
 means to use fonts thus encoded to avoid problems with the interaction means to use fonts thus encoded to avoid problems with the interaction
 of accents and hyphenation  of accents and hyphenation 
-(see [hyphenation of accented words](FAQ-hyphenaccents)).+(see [[3_composition:langues:cesure:coupures_de_mots_accentues|hyphenation of accented words]]).
 The first MetaFont-fonts to conform to the Cork encoding were the EC The first MetaFont-fonts to conform to the Cork encoding were the EC
Ligne 35: Ligne 31:
 size of the corresponding CM font, and there are far more of them than size of the corresponding CM font, and there are far more of them than
 there are CM fonts.  The simple number of fonts proved problematic in there are CM fonts.  The simple number of fonts proved problematic in
-the production of Type 1 versions of the fonts, but EC or +the production of Type 1 versions of the fonts, but EC or 
-EC-equivalent fonts in Type 1 or TrueType form (the latter only from +EC-equivalent fonts in Type 1 or TrueType form (the latter only from 
-  [commercial suppliers](FAQ-commercial)). +[[6_distributions:implementations_commerciales|commercial suppliers]]). 
-Free [auto-traced versions](FAQ-textrace) — the CM-super and +Free [[5_fichiers:fontes:tracer_les_contours_d_une_police_metafont|auto-traced versions]
-the LGC fonts, and the Latin Modern series (rather directly generated +--- the CM-super and the LGC fonts, and the Latin Modern series (rather directly 
-from Metafont sources), are available.+generated from Metafont sources), are available.
 Note that the Cork encoding doesn't cover mathematics (so that no Note that the Cork encoding doesn't cover mathematics (so that no
Ligne 50: Ligne 46:
 fonts anyway.  Suitable mathematics fonts for use with other font fonts anyway.  Suitable mathematics fonts for use with other font
 families are discussed in  families are discussed in 
-"[choice of scalable fonts](FAQ-psfchoice)".+"[[5_fichiers:fontes:fontes_t1_pour_les_mathematiques|choice of scalable fonts]]".
 The EC fonts are distributed with a set of "Text Companion" (TC) fonts The EC fonts are distributed with a set of "Text Companion" (TC) fonts
Ligne 67: Ligne 63:
 Note that T1 (and other eight-bit font encodings) are superseded in Note that T1 (and other eight-bit font encodings) are superseded in
-the developing TeX-family members [XeTeX](FAQ-xetex) and +the developing TeX-family members [[1_generalites:glossaire:qu_est_ce_que_xetex|XeTeX]and 
-[LuaTeX](FAQ-luatex), which use Unicode as their base encoding, +[[1_generalites:glossaire:qu_est_ce_que_luatex|LuaTeX]], which use Unicode as their base encoding, 
-and use Unicode-encoded fonts (typically in `ttfor +and use Unicode-encoded fonts (typically in ''ttf'' or ''otf'' formats). 
-`otfformats).  The [`cm-unicode`](https://ctan.org/pkg/cm-unicode) fonts carry the +The [[ctanpkg>cm-unicode]fonts carry the flag in this arena, 
-flag in this arena, along with the Latin Modern set.+along with the Latin Modern set. 
 +//Source:// [[faquk>FAQ-ECfonts|What are the EC fonts?]]
 +{{htmlmetatags>metatag-keywords=(LaTeX,polices de caractères,encodage des caractères,fontes)
 +metatag-og:title=(What are the EC fonts?)
 +metatag-og:site_name=(FAQ LaTeX francophone)
5_fichiers/fontes/que_sont_les_fontes_ec.1528031940.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2018/06/03 13:19 de d.p.carlisle
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