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fichiers:fontes:que_sont_les_fontes_virtuelles [2018/06/03 13:18] joseph.wright5_fichiers:fontes:que_sont_les_fontes_virtuelles [2021/02/01 20:38] (Version actuelle) – Correction des liens internes. Ajout de références. jejust
Ligne 1: Ligne 1:
---- +====== What are virtual fonts? ====== 
-title: What are virtual fonts? +
-category: concepts +
-permalink: /FAQ-virtualfonts +
 Virtual fonts provide a means of collecting bits and pieces together Virtual fonts provide a means of collecting bits and pieces together
Ligne 14: Ligne 11:
 implemented by David Fuchs to use an unusual printer.  However, for implemented by David Fuchs to use an unusual printer.  However, for
 practical purposes for the rest of us, virtual fonts date from when Knuth practical purposes for the rest of us, virtual fonts date from when Knuth
-specified a format and wrote some support software, in 1989 (he +specified a format and wrote some support software, in 1989 (he published 
-published an  +an [[https://tug.org/TUGboat/tb11-1/tb27knut.pdf|article in TUGboat]] 
-[article in _TUGboat_](https://tug.org/TUGboat/tb11-1/tb27knut.pdf) +at the time; [[http://tug.ctan.org/info/virtual-fonts.knuth|plain text copy on CTAN]]).
-at the time; plain text copy is available on CTAN).+
 Virtual fonts provide a way of telling TeX about something more Virtual fonts provide a way of telling TeX about something more
 complicated than just a one-to-one character mapping.  TeX reads a complicated than just a one-to-one character mapping.  TeX reads a
-TFM file of the font, just as before, but the DVI +TFM file of the font, just as before, but the DVI processor will 
-processor will read the VF and use its content to specify how +read the VF and use its content to specify how each glyph is to 
-each glyph is to be processed.+be processed.
 The virtual font may contain commands: The virtual font may contain commands:
-   +  to open” one or more (real) fonts for subsequent use, 
- +  to remap a glyph from one of the (real) fonts for use in the virtual font, 
--  to "openone or more (real) fonts for subsequent use, +  to build up a more complicated effect (using DVI commands).
- to remap a glyph from one of the (real) fonts for use in the +
-    virtual font, +
- to build up a more complicated effect (using DVI commands).+
 In practice, the most common use of virtual fonts is to remap In practice, the most common use of virtual fonts is to remap
-Adobe Type 1 fonts (see [font metrics](FAQ-metrics)),+Adobe Type 1 fonts (see [[5_fichiers:fontes:fichiers_de_metriques_pour_les_fontes_t1|font metrics]]),
 though there has also been useful useful work building "fake" maths though there has also been useful useful work building "fake" maths
 fonts (by bundling glyphs from several fonts into a single virtual fonts (by bundling glyphs from several fonts into a single virtual
 font).  Virtual Computer Modern fonts, making a  font).  Virtual Computer Modern fonts, making a 
-[Cork encoded](FAQ-ECfonts) font from Knuth's originals by using +[[5_fichiers:fontes:que_sont_les_fontes_ec|Cork encoded]font from Knuth's 
-remapping and fragments of DVI for single-glyph "accented +originals by using remapping and fragments of DVI for single-glyph 
-characters", were the first "Type 1 formatCork-encoded Computer+“accented characters, were the first Type 1 format” Cork-encoded Computer
 Modern fonts available. Modern fonts available.
 Virtual fonts are normally created in a single ASCII VPL Virtual fonts are normally created in a single ASCII VPL
 (Virtual Property List) file, which includes two sets of information. (Virtual Property List) file, which includes two sets of information.
-The `vptovfutility will use the VPL file to create+The ''vptovf'' utility will use the VPL file to create
 the binary TFM and VF files. the binary TFM and VF files.
Ligne 51: Ligne 44:
 describes the endless hours of fun that may be had, doing the job by describes the endless hours of fun that may be had, doing the job by
 hand.  Despite the pleasures to be had, the commonest way (nowadays) hand.  Despite the pleasures to be had, the commonest way (nowadays)
-of generating an VPL file is to use the  +of generating an VPL file is to use the ''fontinst'' package, which 
-`fontinstpackage, which is described in more detail +is described in more detail together with the discussion of 
-together with the discussion of +[[5_fichiers:fontes:fichiers_de_metriques_pour_les_fontes_t1|PostScript font metrics]]
-[PostScript font metrics](FAQ-metrics)+[[ctanpkg>Qdtexvpl|Qdtexvpl]] is another utility for creating ad-hoc virtual
-[`Qdtexvpl`](https://ctan.org/pkg/Qdtexvplis another utility for creating ad-hoc virtual+
 fonts (it uses TeX to parse a description of the virtual font, and fonts (it uses TeX to parse a description of the virtual font, and
-`qdtexvplitself processes the resulting DVI file).+''qdtexvpl'' itself processes the resulting DVI file). 
 +  * [[faquk>FAQ-virtualfonts|What are virtual fonts?]] 
 +  * [[https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02100361/document|Virtual Fonts:  Great Fun, Not for Wizards Only]] by Yannis Haralambous, 
 +  * [[https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/25852/how-to-create-a-virtual-font|How to create a virtual font?]]
 +{{htmlmetatags>metatag-keywords=(LaTeX,polices de caractères,fonte,table de caractère)
 +metatag-og:title=(What are virtual fonts?)
 +metatag-og:site_name=(FAQ LaTeX francophone)
5_fichiers/fontes/que_sont_les_fontes_virtuelles.1528031887.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2018/06/03 13:18 (modification externe)
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