Avec la classe sesamanuel et sa documentation, page 68 (en français).
Tiré de LaTeX pour le prof de maths, page 105:
\newcommand\quadrillage[1]{% \psset{unit=.8cm} \begin{pspicture}(0,-1)(20,#1) \multirput(0,1){#1}{% \psline[linewidth=0.15pt](0,0.25)(20,0.25) \psline[linewidth=0.15pt](0,0.5)(20,0.5) \psline[linewidth=0.15pt](0,0.75)(20,0.75)} \psgrid[subgriddiv=1,gridlabels=0,% gridwidth=1pt,gridcolor=darkgray,% subgridwidth=0.1pt, subgridcolor=gray,% labels=none](20,#1)% \psline[linewidth=1.2pt](2,0)(2,#1) \end{pspicture}% \smallbreak% }
L'extension frcursive:
French Cursive is a cursive hand-writing font family. Its design is based on the French academic tradition for running-hand. The base shape is upright with lightly contrasted stems and hairlines. All lowercase letters are connected, but most uppercase are independent.
\usepackage{frcursive} \cursive\seyes{Mon tailleur est riche\dots}