Installing a Type 1 font

Once you have a prepared Type 1 font, either direct from CTAN or the like, or having "prepared" it yourself, you can get on with installation.

The procedure is merely an extension of that for packages, etc., so much of what follows will be familiar:

Extension Path
.pfb, .pfa …/fonts/type1/⟨foundry⟩/⟨fname
.tfm …/fonts/tfm/⟨foundry⟩/⟨fname
.vf …/fonts/vf/⟨foundry⟩/⟨fname
.sty, .fd …/tex/latex/⟨fname
.map …/fonts/map/dvips/⟨foundry

but if you are lucky, you will be starting from a distribution from CTAN and there is a corresponding file: using this TDS-file saves the bother of deciding where to put your files in the TDS tree.

On any current TeX Live-based system, or a teTeX v3.0 system, execute the command

updmap-sys --enable Map ⟨fname⟩.map

as root. (If you can use updmap-sys — do; if not — presumably because your (La)TeX system was set up by someone else — you have to fall back on plain updmap, but be aware that it's a potent source of confusion, setting up map sets that might be changed behind your back.)

On a current MiKTeX system, update the system file updmap.cfg, using the shell command

initexmf --edit-config-file updmap

adding a line at the end:

Map ⟨fname⟩.map

for each font family ⟨fname⟩ you are adding to the system. Now generate revised maps with the shell command

    initexmf --mkmaps

This, and other matters, are described in MiKTeX "advanced" documentation.

Both processes (preparing and installing a font) are very well (and thoroughly) described in Philipp Lehman's guide to font installation.

Source: Installing a Type 1 font