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fichiers:fontes:installer_une_nouvelle_police [2018/05/24 08:40] joseph.wright5_fichiers:fontes:installer_une_nouvelle_police [2021/12/07 10:03] (Version actuelle) – Correction d'un lien interne. jejust
Ligne 1: Ligne 1:
---- +====== Installing a new font ======
-section: Installing (La)TeX files +
-date: 2014-06-10 +
-# Installing a new font 
-Fonts are really ''just another package'', and so should be installed+Fonts are really "just another package", and so should be installed
 in the same sort of way as packages.  However, fonts tend to be more in the same sort of way as packages.  However, fonts tend to be more
 complicated than the average package, and as a result it's sometimes complicated than the average package, and as a result it's sometimes
Ligne 14: Ligne 10:
 each format has a different function in a TeX system, and each is each format has a different function in a TeX system, and each is
 stored in a directory its own sub-tree in the installation's stored in a directory its own sub-tree in the installation's
-TDS tree; all these sub-trees have the directory +TDS tree; all these sub-trees have the directory ''$TEXMF/fonts'' as their root. 
-`$TEXMF/fonts`  +A sequence of answers describes the installation of fonts: 
-as their root.  A sequence of answers describes the +follow the list through the "next questionlinks at the bottom of
-installation of fonts: +
-follow the list through the ''next question'' links at the bottom of+
 this answer to view them all. this answer to view them all.
-Other answers discuss specific font families — for example, +Other answers discuss specific font families --- for example, 
-''[using the concrete fonts](FAQ-concrete.md)''.+"[[5_fichiers:fontes:utiliser_les_fontes_concrete|using the concrete fonts]]".
 +//Source:// [[faquk>FAQ-instfont|Installing a new font]]
 +{{htmlmetatags>metatag-keywords=(LaTeX,installation de polices de caractères,installer une fonte)
 +metatag-og:title=(Installing a new font)
 +metatag-og:site_name=(FAQ LaTeX francophone)
5_fichiers/fontes/installer_une_nouvelle_police.1527151258.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2018/05/24 08:40 de joseph.wright
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