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fichiers:pdf:produire_des_pdf_cherchables [2018/06/03 14:19] samcarterfichiers:pdf:produire_des_pdf_cherchables [2018/12/04 00:22] (Version actuelle) jejust
Ligne 1: Ligne 1:
---- +====== Copy-paste-able/searchable PDF files ====== 
-title: Copy-paste-able/searchable PDF files +
-category: usage +
-permalink: /FAQ-cpy-srchpdf +
-date: 2014-06-10 +
 PDF files generated from TeX (and friends), will by default PDF files generated from TeX (and friends), will by default
Ligne 15: Ligne 11:
 documents (in English, at least); the problem comes when you're using documents (in English, at least); the problem comes when you're using
 an inflected language (with accented letters, or composite glyphs an inflected language (with accented letters, or composite glyphs
-such as 'æ') — TeX will typically use a non-standard+such as 'æ'--- TeX will typically use a non-standard
 encoding, and there are likely be problems, since PDF readers encoding, and there are likely be problems, since PDF readers
 assume the text is presented in Unicode. assume the text is presented in Unicode.
Ligne 22: Ligne 18:
 converted, by whatever means), or from pdfLaTeX, the character converted, by whatever means), or from pdfLaTeX, the character
 codes used in the PDF file are in fact those of the document's codes used in the PDF file are in fact those of the document's
-[font encoding](FAQ-whatenc); if you're using OT1 or+[[FAQ-whatenc|font encoding]]; if you're using OT1 or
 T1, your document will be OK for almost all ASCII T1, your document will be OK for almost all ASCII
 characters, but it's likely that anything "out of the ordinary" will characters, but it's likely that anything "out of the ordinary" will
Ligne 34: Ligne 30:
 version of the characters. version of the characters.
-Packages [`cmap`](https://ctan.org/pkg/cmapand [`mmap`](https://ctan.org/pkg/mmapboth offer means of +Packages [[ctanpkg>cmap|cmap]] and [[ctanpkg>mmap|mmap]] both offer means of 
-generating such tables ([`mmap`](https://ctan.org/pkg/mmaphas wider coverage, including+generating such tables ([[ctanpkg>mmap|mmap]] has wider coverage, including
 the various maths encodings); both work with pdfTeX and no other the various maths encodings); both work with pdfTeX and no other
 engine.  Thus your document becomes something like: engine.  Thus your document becomes something like:
 +<code latex>
 \documentclass{article} \documentclass{article}
 \usepackage{mmap} % (or cmap) \usepackage{mmap} % (or cmap)
Ligne 45: Ligne 42:
 \begin{document} \begin{document}
 ... % your actual text ... % your actual text
 Unfortunately, the packages only work with fonts that are directly Unfortunately, the packages only work with fonts that are directly
-encoded, such as the default (Computer Modern, i.e., `cm` +encoded, such as the default (Computer Modern, i.e., ''cm'' 
-fonts, and things such as `cm-superor the `Latin` +fonts, and things such as ''cm-super'' or the ''Latin'' 
-`Modernsets.  Fonts like Adobe+''Modern'' sets.  Fonts like Adobe
 Times Roman (which are encoded for (La)TeX use via virtual fonts) Times Roman (which are encoded for (La)TeX use via virtual fonts)
 are not amenable to this treatment. are not amenable to this treatment.
 +//Source:// [[faquk>FAQ-cpy-srchpdf|Copy-paste-able/searchable PDF files]]
 +metatag-og:title=(Copy-paste-able/searchable PDF files)
 +metatag-og:site_name=(FAQ LaTeX francophone)
5_fichiers/pdf/produire_des_pdf_cherchables.1528035584.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2018/06/03 14:19 de samcarter
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